Coggins Park, Revisited, June 16 & 22, 2021

Leopard lily. C. Harvey.
As expected, some leopard lilies, Lilium pardalinum ssp. pardilinum, were indeed blooming at Coggins Park on June 16, 2021. Photo by Chris Harvey.

About a month ago, I visited Coggins Park and found hundreds of lilies that were not yet in bloom. You can read about that trip here: Coggins Park, May 22, 2021.

On June 16, I revisited Coggins Park with Bob Madison and Don Gilmer.  This time, we found a few leopard lilies in bloom, as well as several western azaleas.  The cycladenia (AKA Sacramento waxy-dogbane) were just about finished blooming.

Western azalea. C. Harvey.
Western azalea, Rhododendron occidentale, at Coggins Park on June 16, 2021. Photo by Chris Harvey.

We also saw American twin flower, Linnaea borealis.

American twin flower. C. Harvey.
American twin flower, Linnaea borealis var. longiflora, was also found blooming at Coggins Park on June 16, 2021.
Photo by Chis Harvey.

Here are some photos I took on June 22, at or near Coggins Park, with my wife Billie and daughter Ciara, together with our three dogs—Baxster, Tiny, and Stella. Enjoy! ~Chris Harvey