Sacramento River Bend Promontory, November 5, 2023

Sacramento River from Yana Trail. D. Burk.
Looking upriver toward the promontory on the Yana Trail, Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area.
Photo taken November 5, 2023, by Don Burk.

The ~6.3-mile hike on Yana Trail, from Perry’s Riffle Trailhead to a promontory just south of Massacre Flat in the Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area, is a favorite of ours, but one we had not done for many months. So despite the cloudy skies and forecast of afternoon rain, we set out to reacquaint ourselves with this gorgeous bit of trail along the Sacramento River.

English walnut. D. Burk.
Multi-trunked walnut, Juglans sp., beautifully adorned in autumnal golds, growing very close to the river on the Yana Trail. Photo by Don Burk, taken November 5, 2023.

We were more than a little concerned by the unusual number of vehicles parked at the other trailheads that we drove by, but that quickly melted into relief when we found only two other cars at Perry’s Riffle. And we saw nary a soul for the duration of our hike. (Please see Sacramento River Bend Promontory, December 20, 2020 for detailed directions to both the trailhead and the promontory.)

Sacramento River. D. Burk.
On this hike, we nipped down to the river’s edge anytime we had the opportunity—you never know what you might find! Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area, November 5, 2023. Photo by Don Burk.

Every time we get out in the botanical “off season,” we are struck by just how much there always is to see, and this Sunday hike was no different. Those who think they must wait until spring to botanize are missing out on so much! We counted 22 species in bloom. No, most were not especially showy. Nor were most of them blooming in abundance, but in a way, this makes finding a blossom all the more exciting!

American licorice. D. Burk.
American licorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, the plant with the pinnate leaves, was our most exciting find on the hike. Well established along the river bank, we had simply been too distracted to note its presence on spring hikes. Check out its wacky fruits in the slideshow at the end of this article!
Photo taken November 5, 2023, by Don Burk.

Another benefit of hiking now, when plants are shutting down for the winter, is that there is less to distract one from the little things that could be overlooked. There is no expanse of bloom or show-off flowers to monopolize our attention, and so we actually see the tiny, delicate veronica hiding in the thatch. And finding that little gem is always such a joy!

View downriver from promontory. D. Burk.
Looking downriver, toward Red Bluff, from the promontory on Yana Trail, Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area. Photo taken November 5, 2023, by Don Burk.

We never tire of watching the landscape change with the seasons, and Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area is one of our favorite places to do so. Here is a short slide show of just a few things that we marveled at on our hike. Enjoy!
~Laurie & Don Burk