President’s Message, February 2021

Emerald carpet. S. Libonati-Barnes.
Tender new growth under still-bare blue oaks in Susan's backyard. February 1, 2021. Photo by Susan Libonati-Barnes.

Dear Members,
I love this time of year when winter’s emerald carpet first shows through last year’s growth.  I am grateful for the recent good drink of rain, and a comparatively gentle snowfall.

Our Propagation Team is potting and potting—we are popping at the seams as we prepare for the Spring Plant Sale. The sale will be online, as was the Fall Sale, with off-campus pickup. Plan for online sale dates starting early to mid April. Details to come soon. Many customers really enjoyed plant shopping online!

I personally am fostering quart- and gallon-sized creeping sage (Salvia sonomensis), a staple ground cover of the native garden. Thanks to other propagation volunteers for fostering other species, so we can grow more of everything.

Creeping sage. S. Libonati-Barnes.
Creeping sage, Salvia sonomensis, growing nicely at Susan’s house. January 15, 2021. Photo by Susan Libonati-Barnes.

Your Board of Directors chose several environmental groups to support financially: CalFlora, Shasta Environmental Alliance, Horsetown-Clear Creek Preserve, and California Invasive Plant Council. My thanks to these groups for the wonderful work they do.

So, members, if you want to do me a favor, remain safe and well!!
~Susan Libonati-Barnes, President