New Chapter Website

Shasta Chapter CNPS’ brand, spankin’ new official website has launched!  Ready for your perusal and enjoyment, check it out at:

With this new website comes much-needed branding as a chapter of the California Native Plant Society, tech support from State CNPS’ webteam, and free hosting by State CNPS.  What’s not to love?!

Because this new website is in its infancy, you will note that areas are still under construction or not quite as fleshed out as they could be.  It will grow, mature, and approach completion, over time—especially with your input!  Let us know what you think!  Your input is invaluable!

This launching is the culmination of over 2.5 years of dedicated effort on the part of many, but make no mistake—the brunt of the heavy lifting fell on the shoulders of our very talented and capable José Hernández.  Thanks to José’s tenacity, we were finally able to get State CNPS’s attention long enough to make real headway.  Thanks to his experience and expertise in the field of internet technology, it was relatively smooth sailing from that point on.

And of course, many members provided input to this huge undertaking.  Heartfelt thanks to the most active in providing content, photos, and support: Analia Bertucci, Laurie Burk, Susan Gallaugher, Susan Libonati-Barnes, Greg Lockett, John Springer, and Wayne Steffes.  There are too many photographers to thank here, but without them, our new site would not be as visually striking as it is.  As you click through the pages, be sure to check the captions of each photograph.  And last but not least, we thank State CNPS IT-guy Mark Naftzger for his constant support and prompt and clear responses to our questions and concerns.

Now for the million-dollar question: who will step into the role of webmaster to maintain this gem?  José retires from all IT work on September 1, but he will be available to train and support our next webmaster.  This is a WordPress site; one does not need to know how to code to manage this site.  All that is needed is interest and enthusiasm!

All interested and enthusiastic members, please contact us at!  We want your input!  And we need a successor to José as webmaster! Thank you, and enjoy our new website! 
~Shasta Chapter CNPS