Dear Friends,
First, I am hoping that everyone safely weathered the recent fires and power outages. As always, I wish to thank everyone for their service to Shasta Chapter CNPS.
This year and this fall season, I must single out the Propagation Team. Thanks to our propagators, we have just completed our first-ever online plant sale. Getting ready for such a sale was a tremendous amount of work, but significantly furthers our mission of reclaiming ground for our native species. This work supports wildlife and improves the environment for all of us.
First, we created a plant list with descriptions, working from an online document created by the CNPS state organization. Then members jumped into a “pull ‘n’ pack” event, to fill the online orders. These boxed orders went to the back parking lot at Turtle Bay, where they could be picked up by their new owners. All this, after propagating and growing the plants in the first place! What I am particularly pleased about is the collaboration between organizations: Shasta College providing nursery space and plant care while the college was (and still is) closed; CNPS state organization helping with technical support for the online store, and McConnell Arboretum and Botanical Gardens providing a venue where our buyers could pick up their orders. We are very grateful for these friendships and proud of the result.
At the same time, Board members have been involved in sponsoring Zoom meetings, managing our finances, taking self-guided field trips, adjusting our website to support plant buyers, and advertising via traditional and social media. An innovative summer! I am so grateful for all of you!
With best wishes,
Susan Libonati-Barnes, President