On Monday, October 25, at 9 am, our online store full of native plants will open to the public. It can be found at https://cnps-shasta.square.site. The store will close on Saturday, October 30, at 5 pm. You can choose either October 30 or 31 for your pickup time when you check out.

Our in-person sale was successful in spite of the welcome early downpours. People braved the elements to browse the plants that were crowded on their display tables; many of the plants were showing beautiful fall colors.

We have sold out of a few species (e.g., silver lupine, redbud, and matilija poppy), but there are still many plants that need to find their way into your landscape. We still have a large variety of sages and buckwheats, and unique offerings like incense-cedar, Sierra bladdernut, and Nevin’s barberry. And there might even be a few California brickellbush left!

To everyone who shopped, purchased memberships, or plans to shop, thank you! Your support makes our advocacy for native plants possible. If you have questions, contact us at ShastaCNPSpropagation@gmail.com. -The Horticulture Team