Exciting news! Shasta Chapter’s Website Team has been hard at work building a brand, spankin’ new, ultra-cool Chapter website, and it’s almost done! Expected roll-out date is August 15, 2022, or thereabouts; Shasta Chapter CNPS members will receive an email announcing its launch! (Non-members can check back here for an announcement with URL that we will post on this blog site.) So stayed tuned—we will want your feedback!
In the meantime, you can check out a couple exciting new additions right here on this blog site: we now have a real, live Calendar! We’ve needed a good working calendar since Day One; 2.5 years later, thanks primarily to José Hernández, we finally have one! To augment the calendar page, we also have a new page called List of Events. Here you can see at a glance what Shasta Chapter and select other groups are up to.
Check out the new blog additions while we count down to new website launch! ~Shasta Chapter CNPS