Please join us for the following field trips, which will be co-hosted by Shasta Chapter CNPS and Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA), and for SEA’s annual creek cleanup!
Oregon Gulch Field Trip
Saturday, October 8, 9 AM
- On this field trip, we will once again explore the 380-acre Oregon Gulch natural area within Redding City limits. It will be a hike of about 3.5 miles that is fairly easy except for one steep section that does require good balance. We will walk the length of the area, from an ephemeral creek to a ridge with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Walk leader David Ledger will identify native and non-native plants along the trail and provide attendees with a plant list. This is an excellent area in which to learn the plants of chaparral and oak woodlands. For details, or to reserve your space on this field trip, please email David at david@ecoshasta.org.
SEA Sulphur Creek Fall Cleanup
Saturday October 15, 9 AM
- SEA will be leading its 3rd Annual Sulphur Creek Cleanup, Saturday, October 15, from 9 to 11 AM. (Our spring cleanup was canceled.) We will be working on the main channel of the creek and a feeder stream. This is not a difficult creek cleanup, but it does involve hiking down a short trail to the creek. We will clean up trash that has been washed downstream or left by various visitors. This is the creek where Redding’s rare Sulphur Creek brodiaeas grow, the only place in the world, giving it a California Rare Plant Rank of 1.B—very rare. Bring gloves, water, and hat. For meeting place and more information, contact David Ledger at david@ecoshasta.org.
Nur Pon Open Space Botany Walk
Saturday, October 22, 9 AM
- How do plants tell time, change colors, drop their leaves? These will be some of the discussion topics on this botany walk through the Nur Pon Open Space. David Ledger will lead this field trip and, as an added bonus, we will also have a botanist along. We will identify the various plants along the trail and give participants a plant list. This will be a walk of under two miles and will last about two hours. Rain will cancel, but with light drizzle, just bring an umbrella. Nur Pon is at the intersection of Parkview Avenue and Henderson Road, behind the Cobblestone Shopping Center (the old Raley’s) on Hartnell Avenue, Redding. Park inside the wrought iron gates. No reservations required, just show up. For further information, please email me at david@ecoshasta.org. ~David Ledger