East Low Gap or Bust! July 19, 2020

Looking east toward East Low Gap. D. Burk
Looking east along the ridge toward East Low Gap, Tomhead just left of center. July 19, 2020. Photo by Don Burk.

Well, it was a bust.

On our July 12, 2020, hike to Barker Camp, we noted that the section of Cold Fork Trail that goes east over to East Low Gap appeared to have been newly restored, after having been destroyed by fire in 2008.

Cold Fork Trail. D. Burk
A restored section of Cold Fork Trail, heading east to East Low Gap, can be see at the left of this photo. This ridgetop is recovering from a 2008 fire. July 19, 2020. Photo by Don Burk.

Delighted at the prospect of checking out this new trail, we headed back to Rat Trap Gap the following Sunday, July 19, 2020. Unfortunately, the trail is not completely renovated. Newly cleared trail stops and starts for a distance, and then finally gives up altogether.

Ever hopeful that we would find more newly cleared trail, we continued on, very often log-hopping, following new trail, old trail, animal trail, and imagined trail, until we’d been at it for over two hours and found that we’d only covered a little over one mile, with about the same distance still to go to make it to East Low Gap. Out of both time and energy, we called it a day and turned back.

Looking east toward East Low Gap and Tomhead. D. Burk.
Looking east along the ridge toward East Low Gap; Tomhead at center. Trail, time, and energy had all but run out at this point. July 19, 2020. Photo by Don Burk.

There has definitely been a serious attempt to renovate this trail over the last year. We are hopeful that it is a work in progress, especially as the whitethorn is threatening to wipe out all traces of any passageway along that ridgetop whatsoever. We will keep it on our radar!

Stopping point, looking east. D. Burk.
This is about as far as we got on our attempted hike to East Low Gap, which is beyond the next mountain, as far as we could ascertain. Note the impenetrable masses of whitethorn. Tomhead peak at far right. Looking east into the smoke- and smog-filled valley on a very hot July 19, 2020. Photo by Don Burk.

We saw many of the same plants in bloom as we did on our hike to Barker Camp, but here is a short slideshow of a few species to add to the list of blooming plants in this part of the Yolla Bolly–Middle Eel Wilderness. All photos were taken by Don Burk. Enjoy! -Laurie & Don Burk