Shasta Chapter CNPS invites you to our second post-Covid in-person meeting, on May 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM, at the Shasta College Health Science & University Programs building in downtown Redding, 1400 Market Street, Community Room 8220 (clock tower building at the north end of the Market Street Promenade; enter on the northeast corner of the building). Like all Shasta Chapter meetings, this meeting is open to the public.
Our very special speaker this evening will be CNPS Director of Rare Plants, Aaron Sims, who will present his talk entitled, Exploring Rare Plants of Trinity County, California. Trinity County is home to 180 rare plants. Come join us to find out who they are, how to search for them, and why there are so many. Aaron will give an overview on the rare plants that occur in this unique part of the north state through the use of GIS and the Rare Plant Inventory (rareplants.cnps.org), and share his own exploration of and photos from Trinity County.
As Director of Rare Plants at CNPS, Aaron oversees and manages the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory and supports and monitors the Rare Plant Treasure Hunt, California Plant Rescue, Botanist Certification, and Species Projects programs of the Society. He lives in Weaverville, California, with his wife, two kids, and dog named Allium.
The Chapter will treat our speaker to dinner at Final Draft Brewing Company before the meeting, at 5 PM. The membership is invited to join us there for a casual no-host meal, and to meet and talk with Aaron pre-meeting. Please contact shastacnps@gmail.com should you have questions. See you there!
~Shasta Chapter CNPS