Shasta Chapter CNPS’s first online plant sale was a great success!
We still need to make space for more plants, so we are opening our online sale for a bonus end-of-season sale! Look for special prices on some of our most popular plants: bleeding hearts, creeping sage, California buckwheat, showy bush snapdragon, snowberry, western columbine, and more!
The store will open on Friday, November 13, at 9 am, and will close on Friday, November 20, at 9 am. Please see the article Online Plant Sale Store Opens for store URL and shopping instructions. The minimum order of $15 will remain in effect, as will the members-only 15% discount.
The plant order pickup day will be Saturday, November 21, from 10 am to noon (with Covid practices still in place).
Check our new Spotlight on Natives subcategory (listed under Gardening) for articles highlighting some of our favorite “overstock” plants that are ready for your garden! As always, shop early for the best selection! ~The Propagation Team