Our plant propagators had a rather damp session on Sunday, December 3, moving our tables of young plants into another greenhouse, sowing seeds of redbud and lupine, and shifting seedlings up to one-inch “liners.”

Thanks to everyone who helped with the work: James Aven, Zoe Geil, Chris Gray, Mike Koterba, Susan Libonati-Barnes, MaryAnn McCrary, Jana Peters, John Springer, Janet Stortz, Jean Tullis, and Sarah Webber. Everything from providing and shucking seed, to planting and shifting seedlings, to muscling tables was greatly appreciated. These efforts will ultimately raise funds for scholarships to deserving students. And as always, many thanks to Shasta College for their ongoing support.

Next Shasta Chapter CNPS Plant Propagation Sessions:
Sundays, January 7 & February 4, 2024, at 10 AM
We invite you to join us for our next plant propagation sessions, scheduled for 10 AM on Sunday, January 7, and Sunday, February 4, in the Shasta College Nursery Area. In January, we will deal with our seedlings from the December session and shift small plants to larger containers. We will be outside, so heavy rain will cancel the January session (in February, we will have the option of working inside). Please email us at shastacnps@gmail.com to let us know you are coming—we look forward to seeing you! ~Susan Libonati-Barnes