In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Klamath and Shasta-Trinity National Forests, in partnership with the Shasta Chapter CNPS, are proud to be hosting the 31st Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower Show at the Yreka Community Center at 810 N. Oregon Street, in downtown Yreka. This free show is open to the public from 10 AM to 4 PM on Sunday, May 12. It will feature a large presentation of beautiful, native wildflowers with their scientific and common names on display. This is a wonderful educational opportunity and a delight for the senses. Shasta Chapter CNPS will also be present to answer questions and sell books. (Volunteers to help man the Shasta Chapter CNPS booth would be most appreciated. Please email the Chapter at shastacnps@gmail.com to volunteer to help!)
If you can’t visit the wildflower show in person, don’t forget that three virtual slideshows of Siskiyou County native plants—one each covering trees, shrubby plants, and herbaceous wildflowers—have a permanent home here, on Shasta Chapter CNPS’s website at https://shasta-cnps.org/wildflower-show/
The wildflower show will also include our 13th Annual Wildflower Photo Contest. The photo contest will be held online, posted on Shasta Chapter CNPS’s website. Voting will be open from May 3 through 10; further information will be posted at the beginning of May.

To join the contest, please submit up to three of your native wildflower photos in color, black & white, closeup, or landscape to jennifer.iaccarino@usda.gov by April 29. (Please see photo requirements in the flyer, above.) Live native plants will be awarded for first, second, and third place finishes in the photo contest.
~Jennifer Iaccarino
USFS Forest Botanist
Klamath National Forest