Wildflower Show 2023 a Big Draw!

Yreka Community Center. D. Burk.
The 30th Annual Siskiyou County Mother's Day Wildflower Show was moved this year to the Yreka Community Center---a lovely venue! Photo by Don Burk, taken May 14, 2023.

The 30th Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower Show was wildly successful! How gratifying it was to see the steady stream of nature lovers come through the doors.

Our new venue, the Yreka Community Center, is just gorgeous, lending a touch of elegance to this amazing show. It is mind-boggling how our US Forest Service botanists can find so many (hundreds!) blooming Siskiyou County natives in such short order!

Inside Yreka Community Center. D. Burk.
The Yreka Community Center is a beautiful venue for showcasing Siskiyou County’s native wildflowers. The 30th Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower Show was always busy! Photo by Don Burk, taken May 14, 2023.

Robin Fallscheer, Shasta Chapter’s Sales Chair, was there all day, selling books (many, many books!), fielding questions, and gently encouraging attendees to consider a CNPS membership. Don & Laurie Burk showed up to help in the afternoon, and the three of us were very encouraged by the number of folks who stopped by our table: new and veteran gardeners, nature lovers across the spectrum, and, perhaps most exciting of all, several young professional botanists.

Robin at our tables. D. Burk.
Shasta Chapter CNPS Sales Chair, Robin Fallscheer, left, at our tables at the 30th Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower show in Yreka. Those tables looked almost bare by the end of the show! Photo by Don Burk, taken May 14, 2023.

If you missed this year’s show, don’t worry—it’ll almost definitely be back next year! In the meantime, you can see the photos that were entered in the photo contest, which has accompanied the wildflower show for some 12 years now, on the page, 2023 Wildflower Photo Contest. We will keep this page live for the rest of the year, as we will the page, Wildflower Slideshow, where you will find slideshows of herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees of Siskiyou County. Thank you USFS Forest Botanist Erin Lonergan and crew for all the hard work and passion you put into this show time and again. See you all next year! ~Laurie & Don Burk

Siskiyou Arboretum & Native Plant Nursery tables. D. Burk.
The Siskiyou Arboretum & Native Plant Nursery was also there and did a booming business selling native plants. 30th Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower Show, Yreka. Photo by Don Burk, taken May 14, 2023.