Welcome New Plant Ecologist!

Senior thesis presentation poster. Jackson family.
Zach Jackson with their senior thesis presentation poster at UC Santa Cruz, spring 2022. Photo compliments of the Jackson family.

Shasta Chapter CNPS is delighted to announce a new addition to the Plant Sciences and Ecology field here in the north state. Friend of the Shasta Chapter Zach Jackson recently graduated from UC Santa Cruz (UCSC) with a major in Plant Sciences from the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department.  They credit David Ledger’s native plant hikes as sparking their interest in native plant ecology.

Zach & mom. Jackson family.
Zach Jackson and Mom, Carol, on one of David Ledger’s inspiring native plant hikes to McCloud Falls, back in 2014. Photo compliments of the Jackson family.

Zach loves to talk about the field work they did for their senior thesis at UCSC’s Forest Ecology Research Plot, and was a speaker at their Department’s graduation ceremony.  During their years at university, Zach volunteered at both the campus arboretum, as well as at the UCSC-affiliated seed bank, Center for Plant Conservation.

Zach working on senior thesis. Jackson family.
Zach Jackson working on their senior thesis at UC Santa Cruz’s Forest Ecology Research Plot. Photo compliments of the Jackson family.

Zach now plans to work for a couple of years, and then perhaps go back to school for their master’s degree. The Shasta Chapter wishes Zach all the best in their future endeavors, and thanks Mom Carol for introducing Zach to the wonders of the native plant world so many years ago. We hope to see you both on the trail this summer! ~Shasta Chapter CNPS

Zach on graduation day. Jackson family.
Zach Jackson with their mom and dad, Carol & Dave, on graduation day at UC Santa Cruz. June 10, 2022. Photo compliments of the Jackson family.