Two Rivers Park, May 7, 2022

Fall River falls. ENPLAN.
Falls on Fall River at the confluence with Pit River, where Two Rivers Park will be situated. Photo by ENPLAN, May 19, 2022.

Exciting news for nature lovers: the first phase in the development of a new park in Fall River Mills is underway! Two Rivers Park, a Fall River Valley Community Services District project, will include the standard playground, picnic area, and restrooms on a 5-acre urban parcel. It will also include an adjacent 35-acre natural area with a network of trails.

Open grasslands on the 35 acres that will become Two Rivers Park in Fall River Mills. Photo by Don Burk, taken May 7, 2022

We visited the 35 acres in May to do a botanical survey and were delighted with the wildflowers in bloom, both for their numbers and diversity.

Close-up of Astoria violet, Viola praemorsa ssp. linguifolia, found blooming on the Fall River Mills acreage that will soon become Two Rivers Park. May 7, 2022. Photo by Don Burk.

This natural area is set at the confluence of the Pit and Fall rivers and includes shady Oregon-oak woodlands, open grasslands with scattered junipers, and ponderosa pine forest. Rocky outcrops line the slim riparian corridor, and there are views of the river, falls, and lands to the east.

Falls on Fall River. ENPLAN.
Cascading falls on Fall River at the confluence with Pit River, where Two Rivers Park will be situated. Photo by ENPLAN, May 19, 2022.

It may be a year or two before trails are constructed in the natural area, but the park promises to be a real gem—a wonderful place to see mid- to late-spring blooms that we don’t often see in the valley. We will keep you updated as to the progress of this exciting endeavor, so stay tuned!

View from park site. D. Burk.
View of surrounding mountains from the natural area of the soon-to-be-developed Two Rivers Park.
Photo by Don Burk, May 19, 2022.

In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy the following slideshow of just a few of the numerous native plants that we saw that day. All photos by Don Burk.
~Laurie & Don Burk

American vetch. D. Burk.Sulphur buckwheat. D. Burk.Pursh's dyed milk-vetch. D. Burk.Pursh's dyed milk-vetch close-up. D. Burk.Common mousetail. D. Burk.Meadow nemophila. D. Burk.Showy phlox. D. Burk.Mountain violet. D. Burk.Astoria violet. D. Burk.Large-headed clover. D. Burk.Silvery lupine. D. Burk.Large-fruited lomatium close-up. D. Burk.Small-flowered woodlandstar. D. Burk.Corn gromwell. D. Burk.Brittle fern. D. Burk.Fern-leaved lomatium going to fruit. D. Burk.Utah service-berry. D. Burk.Pink red larkspur. D Burk.Alpine waterleaf. D. Burk.Oregon woolly-marbles. D. Burk.