These Unsettling Times

Silverbush lupine. S. Libonat-Barnes.
Silverbush lupine, Lupinus albifrons, blooming in March in Susan's yard offers solace and quietude during these days of isolation. Photo by Susan Libnonati-Barnes.

My Dear Members:

I hope first for your health and safety. So, be safe and stay healthy. Regarding Shasta Chapter CNPS events: we regret that our public meetings and official field trips have been cancelled, at least until the end of April. I hope that you take yourselves on outings (observing social distancing, yes?). More on that below. 

The Spring Plant Sale 2020 will NOT be taking place in its usual form. Shasta College and Shasta Chapter are working on ways to make native and horticultural plants available when this crisis is over. We will keep you informed, so check our website often. 

In the meantime, we are suggesting that members take hikes to favorite places, or try somewhere new. Photograph the plants you see and send a brief narrative and photos to us at We will verify plant identifications and post as many as possible on our site, under the new category, Get Out!

Iris douglasiana ‘Canyon Snow’. S. Libonati-Barnes.
Iris douglasiana ‘Canyon Snow’ blooming in March in Susan’s native plant garden. Photo by Susan Libonati-Barnes.

Some places we recommend are: Lema Ranch, Sacramento River Trail, Clickapudi Trail, Anderson River Park, and Yana Trail at Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area. Tell us your favorites! Or walk your own garden and neighborhood, photographing wildflowers and spring weeds. We have seen chickweed, pineappleweed, bedstraw, geranium family weeds, and many grasses in bloom.  

Or, you might enjoy a car tour of Millville Plains area (take a map; cell service not always available), stopping at the historic Parkville Cemetery where you can stroll among historic graves, oak forest wildflowers, and see woodland birds. A lovely drive.

So, stay safe and stay in touch remotely. Keep an eye on our website! 

Very best wishes, Susan Libonati-Barnes, President

Silverbush lupine. S. Libonati-Barnes.
Silverbush lupine, Lupinus albifrons, blooming in Susan’s backyard in March, 2020. Photo by Susan Libonati-Barnes.