Spring 2023 Plant Sale Blowout!

Spring 2023 plant sale. D. Mandel.
Shasta Chapter CNPS's Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale, at Shasta College, Redding, on April 7. Chris Gray, second from right, regaling a customer on the finer points of native plants. John Springer is under the tent, managing financial transactions. Photo by Doug Mandel.

After a super wet winter, it is a glorious spring, and Shasta Chapter CNPS members, as well as the general public, responded enthusiastically to our spring sale!

Due to last year’s drought and water restrictions, we reluctantly decided to forgo a fall sale and only hold a spring sale. We used starts from a nearby native plant nursery, as well as plants grown by our own Propagation Team (thanks to all of you!). Shasta College joined us for the Thursday night pre-sale, and it was a rousing success! It was very satisfying to have hundreds of customers buying our native plants, as well as veggies and ornamentals raised by Shasta College Horticulture students. Our big sellers were ceanothus, redbud, spicebush, and sages.

Our sale continued Friday and Saturday, and we practically sold out (except for some scary-prickly Sierra gooseberries). After our online sale and participation at the Earth Day 2023 Festival, we did sell out. More than 400 plants were sold, the income from which will fund future scholarships and grants.

Special thanks to absolutely everyone who participated in any way!
~Susan Libonati-Barnes, Propagation Coordinator

Spring 2023 plant sale. D. Burk.
Despite the rain, the people came! Shasta Chapter CNPS Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale at Shasta College, Redding. Photo by Don Burk, taken April 7, 2023.