Shasta Environmental Alliance, along with cosponsors Wintu Audubon Society, Shasta Group of Sierra Club, North State Climate Action, and Shasta Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, will hold a Redding City Council Candidates’ Forum on Monday, October 3, 2022, at 6 PM. This event will be filmed and made available to the public as a YouTube video, along with links to our supporting groups’ websites.
There are currently 10 city council candidates running for office and eight will be participating, so it will be a crowded forum. Many, but not all, questions will address environmental issues.
This event will be held at Redding’s First United Methodist Church’s Social Hall at 1825 East Street. The Social Hall is on the ground floor; enter via the South Street entrance. Parking is available behind the church. The hall has large double doors and, weather permitting, we will keep them open for fresh air circulation.
Please plan to attend to let the candidates know that the citizens of Redding are very concerned about the environmental issues facing our community.
Volunteer Opportunity!
Yes, we can use your help! Volunteers should plan to be at the church by 5 PM.
- Timing: two people working together to time candidates’ responses.
- Sorting audience questions and giving them to the moderators.
- Setting up chairs: come between 5 and 5:30.
- Putting away chairs afterwards.
- Greeting candidates and aides.
- Setting up the stage.
Please contact me at david@ecoshasta.org if you can help.
~David Ledger, Shasta Environmental Alliance President.