Rancho Breisgau Restoration Planting Event

Pond. B. Robertson.
A pond near the confluence of Battle Creek and Sacramento River, adjacent to BLM's Rancho Breisgau Unit.
Photo taken July 1, 2023, by Brigitte Robertson.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and River Partners need you help! On October 11 & 12, 2024, with support from the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District, they will be planting over 30,000 plants at the site of one of their restoration projects, Rancho Breisgau Unit.

Rancho Breisgau encompasses 306 acres, of which BLM is restoring 150 acres of floodplain habitat near the confluence of Battle Creek and the Sacramento River. Battle Creek is one of the last streams in California that supports all four runs of Chinook salmon as well as steelhead. This restoration aims to enhance fish habitat, reduce terrestrial fragmentation, and support the recovery of endangered species like the Swainson’s hawk, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and valley elderberry longhorn beetle.

Fallow field at Rancho Breisgau. BLM.
A fallow field full of invasive species with remnant riparian vegetation in the background at Rancho Breisgau, Shasta and Tehama counties. June 2022. Photo courtesy of BLM.

This area, once agricultural land and now overtaken by invasive species, currently offers little wildlife habitat. However, River Partners expertise in restoring riparian habitat will transform it into a thriving ecosystem, closing a critical gap in the riparian corridor along Lower Battle Creek and the Sacramento River. This project is vital for connecting a major wildlife corridor extending from the Sacramento River to the headwaters of Battle Creek in Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Rancho Breisgau ready to be planted. D. Burk.
Rancho Breisgau today, all prepped and primed for restoration planting.
Photo taken August 31, 2024, by Don Burk.

Join in the effort to restore Rancho Breisgau floodplain habitat by coming out on Friday, October 11 and/or on Saturday, October 12, to help with the planting effort. The address is 3778 Grover Road, Anderson, California, and the hours are 8:30 AM to 2 PM both days. Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants, and bring lunch and water, and work gloves and hand trowels if you have them! Also please sign the liability waiver by clicking this link or by scanning the QR code in the poster, below. ~Shasta Chapter CNPS