President’s Message,
September 2024

Sierran alpine gentian. D. Burk.
Sierran alpine gentian, Gentiana newberryi var. tiogana, is one of our late-blooming treasures. Look for it now in higher elevation meadows and lakesides, in the Caribou Wilderness and other east-side locations. Photo taken on August 25, 2024, at Barrett Lake, Thousand Lakes Wilderness, by Don Burk.

With the peak summer heat now (hopefully!) behind us, it’s time to look forward to our fall re-green!  We will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Shasta Chapter at our September 19 Chapter meeting.  And we have a wonderful new venue for the event!  Thanks to the McConnell Arboretum, we will be meeting at the new Turtle Bay Nursery Classroom near the west entrance to the Botanic Gardens (see the article, Chapter Meeting: September 19, 2024, for directions).   Our meeting will feature a talk on native seed collecting by Chicago Botanic Gardens Botanist, Piper Lawrence.  As bonus events, we’ll have a short walk around a pond/wetland restoration site before the meeting, and will share a celebratory cake afterwards.  It promises to be a wonderful social and educational evening!  Hope to see you there!

Other upcoming Shasta Chapter events include a September 8 BioBlitz, which we are co-hosting with the Shasta Environmental Alliance.  We will be learning the basics of iNaturalist and then posting photos of every bio-being we can find, rooted and otherwise.  

And our Big Event is the Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale, which will be held on Saturday, October 5, at the Shasta College Farm greenhouses.  We’ll have a great selection of California native plants—and fall is the best time for planting!  We hope you’ll help us set up for the sale on Friday, October 4, 2 to 4 PM (volunteers needed!), then indulge in our members-only pre-sale from 4 to 6 PM.

Many new and exciting activities to participate in as the Chapter’s annual fall re-green gets underway! See you soon! ~Don Burk, President

Tobacco-brush. D. Burk.
Tobacco-brush, Ceanothus velutinus, is a common spring-flowering shrub. Here in the 2014 Eiler Fire burn scar, tobacco-brush is abundant! Although most shrubs had already dropped their seeds, this one is now sending out new blossoms for a fall re-green. Photo taken August 25, 2024, at Eiler Lake, Thousand Lakes Wilderness, by Don Burk.