President’s Message, May 2020

Susan Libonayti-Barnes. L. Peterson.
President Susan Libonati-Barnes at Lassen Volcanic National Park, summer 2019. Photo by Lynne Peterson.

My Dear Members,
Although I hate the COVID plague, I am liking many of the ways we are coping. Especially I am enjoying the virtual field trips (thanks to everyone who has sent pictures and text from person hikes; looking forward to more). Now we are adding virtual garden tours to our repertoire (thanks to the gardeners of our group). It is wonderful that all these resources are available in our new electronic newsletter and expanding website (thanks to the editor and electronic media experts)!

We are sad that we have had to defer our usual spring plant sale. The nursery stock on campus is being cared for thanks to Shasta College staff, and the rest of the plants went to alternate homes for the summer, to our propagator members.

I was sorry to hear of the passing of longtime member Frank Kosko. I remember how he raised wild clematis for our plant sales. I have one of these twining through my garden.

As a Chapter, we are continuing our efforts to protect rare plants such as Shasta snow-wreath and all the denizens of our beautiful forests. Get out (safely) and enjoy our gorgeous area. -Susan Libonati-Barnes, President

Susan Libonati-Barnes and snow plant. L. Peterson
President Susan Libonati-Barnes sitting next to a huge clump of snow plant, Sarcodes sanguinea, at Lassen Volcanic National Park, summer 2019. Photo by Lynne Peterson.