Dear Members:
It’s early December, and we have been having a lovely season. I am seeing subtle autumn colors in the blue oaks, brighter hues along the river, and scarlet berries in the forest.
Shasta Chapter CNPS has had a very successful fall plant sale. There were options to shop in-person or online, as customers preferred. This is a great innovation. Thanks, as always, to Shasta College for hosting our nursery.
I am so proud of our group! Even in the midst of unsettling times, I am proud that we grow interesting and healthy native plants; that we raise funds for scholarships; that we get native plants into schools, private gardens, and public spaces such as the Matson Mowder Howe Celebration Garden at in Caldwell Park. All these achievements are thanks to our members, our Board members, and all of you for your time and expertise. Thank you, and happy winter holidays to everyone. ~Susan Libonati-Barnes, President