Dear Members:
Such a lovely time of year! Birds nesting, a gentle shower, and wildflowers galore! Look in the low foothills now for silverbush lupine (Lupinus albifrons), round-toothed ookow (Dichelostemma multiflorum), and even scarlet fritillary (Fritillaria recurva).

Photo by Susan Libonati-Barnes.
Shasta Chapter CNPS members are gearing up for our Spring 2022 Native Plant Sale, at the Shasta College Horticulture Area. We have many fascinating native plants that support wildlife, cool the climate, and help conserve water. Members can shop in-person on April 7, and everyone can shop on April 8 and 9. Online sales start April 13.
In addition, two very special events are planned for this spring. Click on the article name for more information for the following:
- In conjunction with Earth Day, photographer Ken DeCamp is presenting a slideshow entitled, Swiss Wildflowers: The Amazing Botany of the Bern Canton, Switzerland, on April 21.
- On Mother’s Day weekend, of course, we have the highly anticipated 29th Annual Siskiyou County Mother’s Day Wildflower Show and native plant photo contest.
And as always, Get out! with Chris Harvey (who leads Shasta Chapter CNPS field trips) and David Ledger (who leads Shasta Environmental Alliance field trips) to see our wonderful plant life and fascinating terrain.
~Susan Libonati-Barnes, President