Dear Members:
It’s been raining! I can feel the plants relaxing, the thirsty trees heaving a sigh of relief.
Shasta Chapter CNPS is making plans now for our plant sale in the spring. This is a busy time of year for plant production. Watch for volunteer events this fall!
I myself will be resigning as President of Shasta Chapter CNPS at the end of our fiscal year, but will still serve on the Board for a year. I am looking forward to a renewal of energy in the Chapter and, as Past President, will enjoy continuing to work with everyone. ~Susan Libonati-Barnes, President
PS from the VP:
After being hit hard by the pandemic and drought, the Shasta Chapter CNPS is slowly trying to resume its myriad of activities. Like a native plant seed, we’ll have lots of behind-the-scenes activity this winter, followed by a spectacular blossoming in the spring. Here are a few of the anticipated events:
Chapter Board Elections
Although our by-laws call for annual election of officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), we had to suspend elections during the pandemic. We now plan to hold an election this spring, with officers being installed in April, concurrent with the start of our fiscal year. We typically have a Nominating Committee recommend a slate of officer candidates to be voted upon by the Chapter membership. Nominating Committee members are to include two persons designated during a general Chapter meeting and one appointed by the Board. Since we haven’t yet resumed Chapter membership meetings, the ten-person Chapter Board will serve as the Nominating Committee for the upcoming election. However, we would love to have input from the general membership! If you’d like to be considered for a Chapter office or recommend another person, please contact any Board member.
Chapter Board Meetings
Our Chapter Board has been meeting on a very intermittent basis over the past two years, but we are now planning to resume regular Board meetings (in person, with an online (Zoom) option). Our next Chapter Board meeting is planned for November 17.
Chapter Membership Meetings
We hope to resume our monthly Chapter membership meetings starting in February. The February meeting will probably be online only. Hybrid (in-person plus online) meetings may start in March or thereabouts.
Volunteers Needed!
We have plenty of opportunities for volunteers to help lay the groundwork for a successful rejuvenation of Chapter activities! We need a programs coordinator to help line up speakers for our Chapter meetings, a webmaster to manage our brand-new website, field trip leaders, plant propagators, members-at-large (who serve as voting members of our Chapter Board, with no other assigned duties), and assistance at virtually every level of our Chapter. Please contact any Board member if you’d like to volunteer or learn more about volunteer opportunities.
~Don Burk, Vice-President