Two uncommon foothill shrubs will be offered at our Spring 2022 Native Plant Sale: snowdrop bush and Sierra bladdernut. Both have pendant white flowers, bloom at about the same time in spring, and grow in the shade of much taller black oak or blue oak. Despite these similarities, they are not related to each other. They each are the only member of their plant family in California.

Snowdrop bush is recognized for its lovely, lightly scented flowers and is offered in many native plant nurseries in larger cities. Sierra bladdernut is not known to be for sale in any native plant nursery. Shasta Chapter CNPS is offering both of these unusual shrubs, grown from local seed sources.

Enjoy our selection of native shrubs, perennial herbs, vines, and grasses prior to the in-person sale, this Friday and Saturday, April 8 & 9, by perusing our Plant Availability List. ~MaryAnn McCrary