Photo Journal: Newest Nursery Additions

Spicebush seedlings. Photo: Margaret Widdowson.
Thanks to Jan Carter’s intrepid hike down a local ravine, we have a healthy batch of spicebush (Calycanthus occidentalis) seedlings! Photo by Margaret Widdowson.

Here’s a fun peek at what’s happening right now in the nursery. All of the seedlings photos were taken on the last day of February, 2020.

Birch-leaved mountain-mahogany shrub in seed. Photo: Margaret Widdowson.
Birch-leaved mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides) in seed. The distinctive hairy “tail” on the seeds catches the light when the shrub fruits in mid summer. Photo by Margaret Widdowson.
Mountain-mahoigany seedlings. Photo: Margaret Widdowson.
Our crop of mountain-mahogany seedlings are growing well. Photo by Margaret Widdowson.
Fairy duster seeds. Photo by Margaret Widdowson.
Fairy duster or false mesquite (Calliandra eriophylla) seeds that have been scarified (scratched with sandpaper) and soaked overnight to encourage germination. Photo by Margaret Widdowson.
Fairy duster seedlings. Photo: Margaret Widdowson.
Fairy duster seedlings. This is an attractive and rare shrub from the deserts of southern California that does surprisingly well in Redding, given some afternoon shade. Photo by Margaret Widdowson.
California poppy seedlings. Photo: Margaret Widdowson.
A large batch of California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) seedlings. Handing out these seedlings to our smaller customers at last year’s spring sale was a great success! Photo by Margaret Widdowson.