In the spirit of the season, our online native plant store will be open until 2 PM Thursday, December 19. The last day to pick up orders will be Friday, December 20.

The chill in the air is bringing new changes in our nursery. A few species are going dormant for the winter, but more species appear to be having a growth spurt. The California rose never looked so green or so large during the warm season. Other evergreen shrubs, such as toyon, coast silktassel, Pozo Blue sage, and silver bush lupine are looking like this is their favorite season. White sage, although from southern California, is doing just fine with the frost.
Winter is also the growing season for members of the stonecrop family. We have three local stonecrops for your container and rock garden enjoyment: canyon liveforever (AKA Canyon dudleya; Dudleya cymosa), cream stonecrop (Sedum oregonense), and broad-leaved stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium).

Winter is a great time to transplant winter-dormant as well as winter-active species. Plants are more tolerant of disturbance while they are dormant and the winter-active species will take advantage of sunny days to get established in a new home.
Take advantage of our extended sale and visit us at https://cnps-shasta.square.site/! ~MaryAnn McCrary, Nursery Manager