Hello Plant Lovers!
We’re very excited to launch our first-ever online California native plant sale! You can order your plants online and make an appointment to pick them up. Times for the plant sale are as follows:
- The Members-Only Plant Sale begins at 8 am on Sunday, October 18, through Monday, October 19.
- The store will open to the general public on Tuesday, October 20, through Thursday, October 29, closing at 9 pm.
It is important that buyers are aware that they will have to choose one of two Saturdays on which to pick up their orders: October 24 or 31.
The link to the store and ordering directions will be posted on this website a few days before the plant sale starts.
Shortly before the store opens, all Shasta Chapter CNPS members will receive a mass email that will include a link to the store and ordering directions, as well as a members-only coupon discount code that will entitle them to 15% off their purchase. You must be a current member to receive a members-only discount coupon code.
If you are not a Shasta Chapter CNPS member or your membership has lapsed but you would like to receive the discount code and participate in the Members-Only Plant Sale, you can follow this link to join or renew: https://www.cnps.org/ Be sure to select Shasta Chapter as the chapter you’d like to join. Also, be sure to agree to receive emails from both Shasta Chapter CNPS and the California Native Plant Society.
For your convenience, we have created two documents that you may find helpful in plant selection prior to ordering:
- Current Native Plant Availability List. This is a list of everything that we will have for sale. It includes handy links to Calscape information on almost every species.
- Available Plant Sizes List. The plants come in 4” quarts ($5) or 1-gallon pots ($7), and a few species come in both sizes. This printable list provides space for you to write in how many of each species you’d like, and in what size, if there’s a choice.
We hope that you and your family and friends have been safe and healthy during this pandemic and wildfire season; and that you continue to remain so!
We also hope you are ready to start planning your native garden! Here’s a short slideshow of several beauties that you might consider for your garden. Enjoy! –The Propagation Team