Nomlaki Trail Field Trip,
March 25, 2023

View northeast. D. Burk.
View northeast from Nomlaki Trail (AKA Thomes Gorge Trail), Mendocino National Forest, on March 25, 2023. Photo by Don Burk.

On March 25, a small group of plant enthusiasts reveled in the botanical delights of the Nomlaki Trail in southwestern Tehama County.  The trail meanders through chaparral habitat featuring streams, rock outcrops, serpentine soils, and post-August Complex wildfire regeneration.  We identified nearly 90 species of plants on this joint SEA/Shasta Chapter CNPS field trip—and the best is yet to come!  

Studying tiny plants on the trail. D. Burk.
There’s plenty to see along the trail! We covered only a couple miles of trail because we had to stop so often. Yo Sadohara, Laurie Burk, and David Ledger stopping to study some tiny bloomer. Nomlaki Trail, Mendocino National Forest. Photo taken on March 25, 2023, by Don Burk.

Although fritillaries and fawn lilies were in bloom in abundance, even more were in bud, just waiting for a warmer day to roll out their floral displays.  The trail is on exposed slopes with no shade, so plan to get out in the next few weeks to catch the peak of the blooming season while avoiding the intense heat.  For directions to the trailhead, see the article, Thomes Gorge Trail, June 19, 2022.

Here are a few of our favorites. All photos by Don Burk. Enjoy! ~Don Burk