New Year Prop Session

Cuttings. MA. McCrary.
Cuttings leafing out at the Shasta College greenhouse, March 1, 2022. Photo by MaryAnn McCrary.

We will kick off the new planting year by starting some cuttings and some seeds of some native plant species! Please join us at 10 AM on Sunday, January 12, 2025, in the Shasta College Nursery Area. No experience is needed; we are happy to teach! We provide clean gloves for you. Most likely we will be working outdoors, so dress for the weather! Please email us at to let us know you are coming—we look forward to seeing you in a brand new planting season!
~Susan Libonati-Barnes

Propagation volunteers. S. Libonati-Barnes.
January 2023 propagators: (left to right) Chris Gray, Ed Thomas, Jana Peters, John Springer (back), Mary Ann McCrary (front), Caitlin French, and Catherine McNeight. Photo taken on January 8, 2023, in a Shasta College greenhouse by Susan Libonati-Barnes.