Shasta Chapter CNPS and Shasta Environmental Alliance co-sponsored a wildflowers car tour to Millville Plains, Redding, on a cool April 2 Sunday to view the usually magnificent wildflower show in this area. We had 13 people along. For the most part, we carpooled to save on greenhouse gases.

We stopped at three places on Millville Plains Road, finding that different flowers were predominant at each stop. At the first stop, we found that tidy-tips and yellow-carpets dominated, with a scattering of lowland shooting stars, bicolor lupines, and popcorn flowers. At the next stop, goldfields seemed to dominate the area, with scattered redmaids, spokepods, and lomatiums. The third stop yielded woolly meadowfoam, many fryingpan poppies, a tall species of popcorn flower, and fringepod.

Our last stop was the Parkville Cemetery where we found rosy meadowfoam, pigmyweed, more goldfields, yellow-carpets, and fiddlenecks, among others. About this time, it started to rain on this cold and windy day, but the 13 of us enjoyed the camaraderie while seeing all the wildflowers. ~David Ledger