2024 liability waiver info:
Both California Native Plant Society and Shasta Environmental Alliance require all field trip participants to sign an annual waiver of liability. Once signed, you will be covered for all events in 2024. Thank you!
- Shasta Chapter CNPS’s waiver can be signed here: WaiverSign.
- Shasta Environmental Alliance’s waiver can be signed here: Meetup.
Please join us for the following activities, co-hosted by Shasta Chapter CNPS and Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA).
Biodiversity Nature Walk and BioBlitz
Sunday, September 8, 9 to 11 AM
- Join naturalist Juliet Malik and SEA board member Sarah Risher for an iNaturalist BioBlitz in the recently restored Nur Pon Open Space to identify and document as many species as possible that call this preserve home. A plant list compiled by David Ledger will be provided to help guide the botany side of things, but we will also be looking for fungi, birds, insects, and other animals to help us reach a goal of finding at least 30 species in honor of California’s 30×30 initiative. This is a collaborative learning event for all levels of nature knowledge and all ages are welcome. Be prepared to participate by completing the following:
- Join the event on SEA’s Meetup page and sign the waiver form. (Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.)
- Download the iNaturalist app on your mobile device, create an account, and familiarize yourself with how it works. Check out the iNaturalist tutorials.
- Join the Find 30 Species Challenge so that all of your observations will be included in the project.
- Park behind the shopping center in the fenced off area at Nur Pon Open Space, 2502 Henderson Road, Redding, by 9 AM for orientation. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring water and sunscreen.
- Optional: bring a camera with a telephoto lens for capturing birds.
Clear Creek Trail Clean-up
Saturday, September 28, 9 to 11 AM
- Join us for a work day to cleanup the Clear Creek Trail upstream of the Clear Creek Gorge Parking lot. We will have two crews: one group will be pruning back brush with small electric chain saws, and another group will be picking up light trash with grabbers and pruning back any branches growing too close to the trail. There are no known homeless camps along the trail, so this will be an easy cleanup and time to meet some new or old friends. Meet at the Clear Creek Gorge Parking lot on Clear Creek Road, Redding. Bring gloves, water, closed-toe shoes, and a hat. If you have a lopper, bring it! You will be asked to sign a BLM waiver at the trailhead.
Please sign up for each activity on SEA’s Meetup.com page, and make sure you have signed both waivers for 2024 (see opening paragraph). For more information about the field trip or work day, please contact me at david@ecoshasta.org. ~David Ledger