No field trips are slated for the month of October! This is the third month this year that no field trips have been scheduled. It is becoming a dire situation! Shasta Chapter CNPS needs more field trip leaders!
Do you have a good basic knowledge of our native plants? You don’t have to be an expert, but if you know the more common plants and have the ability to say you don’t know what a plant is if you are not certain, you can be a field trip leader! You can even focus more on hiking than identifying plants if you wish.

An experienced walk leader would accompany you on your first hike to go over the basics, such as signing people in, explaining where you will be going and the difficulty of the hike, making sure people have plenty of water, and keeping track of everyone so you end the field trip with the same number you started with. If you are interested in giving it a try, contact David Ledger at dsledger49@gmail.com or Shasta Chapter CNPS at shastacnps@gmail.com to let us know. Give it a try! You don’t have to be a botanist, and it becomes much easier after your first few walks! ~David Ledger