2024 liability waiver info:
Both California Native Plant Society and Shasta Environmental Alliance require all field trip participants to sign an annual waiver of liability. Once signed, you will be covered for all events in 2024. Thank you!
- Shasta Chapter CNPS’s waiver can be signed here: WaiverSign.
- Shasta Environmental Alliance’s waiver can be signed here: Meetup.
Please join us for the following field trip, co-hosted by Shasta Chapter CNPS and Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA).
Sloppy Joe Trail Hike, West Redding
Sunday, November 17, 9:30 AM to noon
- Come check out one of Redding’s newest trails with new SEA board member Juliet Malik. We will enter from the Country Heights neighborhood and walk a two-mile loop that goes through both riparian and oak woodland habitats. During this naturalist hike, we will identify native plants and keep our eyes and ears open for birds, bugs, and other fauna. The trail is moderately hilly with rocky, uneven ground, so sturdy shoes and good balance are in order. If significant rainfall has occurred, some shallow creek crossings may be necessary. Bring a snack, water, appropriate outerwear, and binoculars if you want to look for birds. A plant and bird checklist will be provided. We will meet at the end of Sunglow Drive and walk a short distance down Winter Green Court to the trailhead. No dogs, please; heavy rain cancels. Contact Juliet with questions at juliet1320@gmail.com.
Please sign up for the above field trip on SEA’s Meetup.com page, and make sure you have signed both waivers for 2024 (see opening paragraph). For more information about the field trip, please contact me at david@ecoshasta.org. ~David Ledger

Photo taken by David Ledger on October 13, 2024.