Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale Countdown!

Poster designed by Susan Gallaugher.

It’s fall! And cooler days are nearly here. Thankfully, conditions will soon be favorable for planting native perennials from Shasta Chapter CNPS. Our Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale is just around the corner: on October 4 (members’ pre-sale) from 4 to 6 PM, and October 5 for everyone, from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Shasta College Farm. For further details, including a plant availability list, please see the blog article, Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale.

Shasta Chapter CNPS supports our scholarship and grants programs for helping local students reach their educational goals in botany and closely related fields through our nursery sales.  That is sufficient reason in itself to inspire the Propagation Team to donate their time and efforts to the Nursery. But the benefits go so much further.    

The natives we provide will beautify your outdoor spaces, will support migrating and nesting birds, and will benefit the ecology of our area in too many ways to list here. And there are benefits to our own well-being. All of us wish we could do more to help threatened species and live lightly on our one green Earth. Planting native species wherever you can is perhaps the most directly rewarding and clearly beneficial action one can take. Enjoy the journey from your nursery selection to a mass of wildflowers and their pollinators; or from a one-gallon shrub to a privacy screen and winter grocery store for robins and waxwings.  

Here is a mini photo montage of just a few of the natives that will be available on October 4 and 5. (All photos courtesy of MaryAnn McCrary.)  Enjoy, and we’ll see you at the sale! ~MaryAnn McCrary

Creeping sage "lawn." MA McCrary.
“Lawn” of creeping sage, Salvia sonomensis. Photo taken April25, 2023.
Creeping sage. MA McCrary.
Creeping sage, Salvia sonomensis. Photo taken May 21, 2023.
Purple Haze coast aster. MA McCrary.
Purple Haze coast aster, Symphyotrichum chilensis ‘Purple Haze.’ Photo taken December 26, 2022.
Purple Haze coast aster and butterfly. MA McCrary.
Purple Haze coast aster, Symphyotrichum chilensis ‘Purple Haze,’ with butterfly. Photo taken September 22, 2023.
White sage. MA McCrary.
White sage, Salvia apiana, starting to show fall colors. Photo taken September 22, 2024.
Evening-primrose. MA McCrary.
Evening-primrose, Oenothera elata. Photo taken July 1, 2023.
Showy milkweed. MA McCrary.
Showy milkweed, Asclepias speciosa. Photo taken May 21, 2023.
Canyon dudleya. MA McCrary.
Canyon dudleya, Dudleya cymosa. Photo taken May 2, 2023.
Canyon dudleya volunteer. MA McCrary.
Canyon dudleya, Dudleya cymosa, that established in the shade without any irrigation at all.
Photo taken September 22, 2024.
Silver form of California fuchsia. MA McCrary.
A silver form of California fuchsia, Epilobium canum. Photo taken September 26, 2024.