It’s been a long time coming, but we are finally back to in-person fall plant sales! Covid and drought together put the kibosh on fall plant sales for several years, but that is changing this year. Please join us for our first in-person post-pandemic Fall sale! Our Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at the Shasta Community College Farm greenhouses, in conjunction with Shasta College’s Farm Day. We will also hold our traditional setup and members-only pre-sale the day before:
Friday, October 4: 2 to 4 PM
Members-Only Pre-Sale:
Friday, October 4: 4 to 6 PM
Public Sale:
Saturday, October 5: 9 AM to 2 PM
Please bring your CNPS membership card or the latest copy of your Flora magazine, which should have your member info printed on it, for entry to the in-person sale. Memberships will be available for purchase for $50. CNPS members not only get first pick via our members-only pre-sale, but they also receive a 10% discount on all plants. A list of the plants that we will offer at the Fall 2024 sale can be downloaded here: Fall 2024 Native Plant Availability List.
We need volunteers! For both the setup on Friday and the plant sale on Saturday! You do not need specialized knowledge to help with either activity; you only need to be willing and enthusiastic! Please let us know you can help by emailing us at shastacnps@gmail.com. We appreciate our volunteers!

Photo taken by MaryAnn McCrary.
Thank you for growing native plants! Your purchases support the CNPS mission of pursuing botanical knowledge and raising public awareness about California native plants. Your local Shasta Chapter supports local and statewide groups that share our commitment to native plants. We advocate locally for rare native plants and native plant habitat. The Chapter’s Propagation Team uses best nursery management practices to grow the wonderful nursery stock that we are able to offer to you at this sale. Shasta Chapter awards scholarships and grants to budding botanical scholars and researchers to help them pursue their educations and careers. We help local schools, businesses, and community organizations plan and plant native gardens. Volunteers demonstrate landscape uses of native plants in the Matson-Mowder-Howe Celebration Garden, which the Chapter helps steward.
Many thanks for supporting our mission. Questions? Please contact us at shastacnps@gmail.com. ~MaryAnn McCrary