Earth Day Festival 2023 Fun!

SEA booth. D. Ledger.
Shasta Environmental Alliance's (SEA) booth at the April 22, 2023, Earth Day Festival in Caldwell Park, Redding. SEA was the lead organizer for this year's event. Photo by David Ledger.

On Saturday, April 22, Caldwell Park was buzzing with visitors to the different Earth Day booths, and Shasta Chapter CNPS was there!   Our informational table was visited by 50+ people.   We handed out membership brochures, complimentary Floras, and CNPS stickers; sold books; and offered our remaining plant inventory for donations.

How satisfying to see one tech savvy person access the CNPS website and become a member right there on her smart phone!

Three volunteers fielded questions (What is this plant in my yard?  Why native plants?).  We found homes for most of the remaining inventory and, between book sales, plants, and outright donations, added to Shasta Chapter’s coffers.   Thanks to all who participated and made it possible. ~John Springer

Earth Day 2023 Festival. A. Weinstein.
Earth Day 2023 Festival, Caldwell Park, Redding, on April 22. Photo by Aura Weinstein.