Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA) is teaming up with other local environmental groups to bring you an Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 11 AM to 4 PM, in Caldwell Park, Redding. Previously known as the Whole Earth and Watershed Festival, retiring organizer Peggy Rebol has passed the baton to SEA and allies to continue the tradition.
The festival will include music, booths, kids’ activities, and much more! Shasta Chapter CNPS will sponsor a booth; volunteers are needed to help man our table! Please contact shastacnps@gmail.com if you can help! Come help us celebrate our environment on the day of the festival, as well as at participating organizations’ events scheduled all throughout April! A line-up of April Earth-Day events is posted on SEA’s website at https://www.ecoshasta.org/events/list/
For further information, please contact me at david@ecoshasta.org.
~David Ledger, SEA President