The City of Redding released their final draft of the General Plan 20-year update and is encouraging members of the public to comment. If you go to the City’s website, you will find a 3-minute video explaining the importance of the plan and of commenting on it. On that same page are listed the various elements of the plan that you can read. There is an online survey that you can use, but the City will, of course, always accept comments via email or letter.
While the City did make important improvements to the General Plan, there are some serious issues with it, primarily because there is an unfortunate weakening of the language overall. For example, in many places, they have inserted “strive to” and the even weaker “consider” to preface important sections, providing no enforcement guidance or support. For example, in the Natural Resource Element, Section NR6A: “Strive to preserve and protect existing native oaks…” Another example, in Section HR6E: “Consider undertaking measures to maintain and expand the urban forest…”
One serious issue facing everyone is climate change. Having a Climate Action Plan, as many cities do, is important, but Redding has none. The Environmental Justice Element, Section EJ3E, addresses it as such: “Consider the development and adoption of a Climate Action and Resiliency Plan.” Not exactly strong action words.
That said, the City has involved many people in updating the General Plan and is reaching out to residents to participate. The next public meetings will be July 12 & 18 and August 9 & 23. Check out the City’s website for times and locations.
For more conservation news, please see Shasta Environmental Alliance’s July 2023 Newsletter. ~David Ledger, Conservation Chair