Clear Creek Gorge Field Trip, May 11, 2022

Clear Creek. C. Harvey.
Clear Creek, near Clear Creek Gorge Trail, Redding. May 9, 2022. Photo by Chris Harvey.

Taking advantage of Redding’s still-tolerable temperatures, our group of six, plus two dogs (Baxster and Stella), hiked eastward from the Clear Creek Gorge Overlook for perhaps 1.5 miles before doubling back.

Field trip attendees. C. Harvey,
Hikers on the Clear Creek Gorge Trail field trip of May 11, 2022. From left to right: Brigitte Robertson, Paula Crumpton, Judy Mauzy, Susan Gallaugher, and Bob Madison. Photo taken by Chris Harvey.

Along the way, we enjoyed several picturesque views of Clear Creek and mostly managed to avoid the wet dogs.

Clear Creek. C. Harvey.
Clear Creek, taken near the Clear Creek Gorge Trail, Redding. May 9, 2022. Photo by Chris Harvey.

We saw many beautiful blooms, but, in my opinion, the most eye-catching were the superb mariposa-lilies (Calochortus superbus), which we found at about the half-mile mark on the trail.  The day of our hike, we encountered less than a half dozen of these beautiful flowers, but I returned several days later and discovered many more had bloomed.  If you get a chance, now is a great time to check them out!

Superb mariposa-lily. C. Harvey.
The large and showy blossom of the superb mariposa-lily, Calochortus superbus, blooming along the Clear Creek Gorge Trail, Redding, on May 9, 2022. Photo by Chris Harvey.

Be sure to bring water as there is no drinking fountain.  There is a vault toilet adjacent to the parking lot.  To get to the Clear Creek Gorge Trailhead, drive west on Clear Creek Road from Highway 273, Redding.  One mile beyond Honey Bee Road, look for the Clear Creek Gorge Overlook sign on the south side of the road.

Clear Creek Gorge parking area. C. Harvey.
Parking area for Clear Creek Gorge Overlook, Redding. May 9, 2022. Photo by Chris Harvey.

Please enjoy the following photographs that I took in the area. ~Chris Harvey.

Four-spot clarkia. C. Harvey.Hartweg's odontostomum. C. Harvey.Yellow salisify. C. Harvey.White-whorled lupine. C. Harvey.Sticky Chinese houses. C. Harvey.Woolly-fruited lomatium. C. Harvey.Jewelflower. C. Harvey.Valley gumplant. C. Harvey.Clasping onion. C. Harvey.