Shasta Chapter CNPS is delighted to invite you to our first post-Covid in-person meeting on April 20, 2023, at 6:30 PM, at the Shasta College Health Science & University Programs building in downtown Redding, 1400 Market Street, Community Room 8220 (clock tower building at the north end of the Market Street Promenade; enter on south side of building). Like all Shasta Chapter meetings, this meeting is open to the public.
We are especially excited to have Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Assistant Field Manager, Laura Brodhead, and Ecologist, Brooke Thompson, kick off this new “chapter” in our Chapter’s history with their presentation, Riparian Forest Restoration. Here’s a little background:
Riparian woodlands have the highest wildlife diversity of any ecosystem in the western United States, but only 11% of the Sacramento Valley riparian forests remain intact. Many species considered to be threatened, endangered, and sensitive by BLM and California Department of Fish and Wildlife are riparian obligates. About 10 years ago, BLM acquired an old walnut orchard along the Sacramento River, in southern Shasta and northern Tehama counties, which we call Rancho Breisgau, where we are embarking on the restoration process. We will discuss what riparian forests are, why they are so important, and what plants might be encountered in them. We’ll recommend places you can go see intact riparian forests and threats to riparian forests, and finally we’ll share some exciting restoration plans.
The Chapter will treat our speakers to dinner at Final Draft Brewing Company before the meeting, at 5 PM. The membership is invited join us there for a casual no-host meal, and to meet and talk with the speakers pre-meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you all in person once again! Please contact shastacnps@gmail.com should you have questions. See you there!
~Shasta Chapter CNPS