Chapter Elections!
After a long hiatus, Shasta Chapter CNPS is set to resume its annual election of Chapter officers—albeit with a different format than usual. Because we are not currently having in-person meetings, the Chapter Board is serving as the nominating committee. The Board has nominated Amy Henderson as President and John Springer to continue as our Treasurer. We are still looking for candidates for Vice President and Secretary.
This is your opportunity to recommend a Chapter member to serve as one of our four elected officers. Simply submit your recommendation to any Board member or email it to shastacnps@gmail.com. And don’t be shy—you can even name yourself!
The Chapter Board plans to round out the slate of nominees by the end of February. Shasta Chapter CNPS members will be advised as to the voting process in early March, and newly elected officers will begin their terms on April 1.
By-Laws Revisited
Our by-laws currently require that new officers be instated in January. This poses a bit of a problem given that the State CNPS fiscal year ends March 31. Syncing our elections with the State CNPS calendar will make it much easier to complete our mandatory annual reports, and will allow for a better transition of officers (particularly the Treasurer position). The Board may also recommend other changes to our by-laws, such as a revision of our nomination process, which is currently tied to in-person meetings. Our current by-laws are posted at: https://chapters.cnps.org/shasta/executive-board/. We plan to circulate proposed revisions for a vote by the general membership concurrently with our Chapter officer elections. Details will be provided in next month’s eblast.
And in case it is not apparent, we are still working under a Board-authorized suspension of our by-laws due to COVID complications! ~Don Burk, Vice President