Matson-Mowder-Howe Celebration Garden Maintenance Session: January 14, 2022

MMH Celebration Garden. D. Mandel.
Matson-Mowder-Howe Celebration Garden, Caldwell Park, Redding. June 2, 2021. Photo by Doug Mandel.

There will be a garden maintenance session at the Matson-Mowder-Howe Celebration Garden/Carter House in Caldwell Park, Redding, this Friday, January 14, starting at 9 AM.  The maintenance will include the annual pruning of the matilija poppy (Romneya coulteri), spreading wood-chip mulch, pruning other plants, and any necessary weeding.  Some of us diversified and pruned the roses last Saturday at Redding City Hall—why not continue the volunteer esprit de corps? 

Depending on the number of awesome volunteers, the gardening should take less than a couple hours.  This is a good chance to check out this historical community garden, get outside and have fun, and learn from each other.  Social distancing and masking when appropriate are encouraged per CDC recommendations.  The forecast is for a nice day (mostly sunny, a little breezy), but rain will postpone the fun for another time.  Wheelbarrows and pitchforks will be provided.  Please bring gloves, a bucket, and your favorite pruning and weeding implements. This event is sponsored by Shasta Master Gardeners and North Valley Art League.
~Doug Mandel

Please note: while this garden is co-managed by Shasta Chapter CNPS, Shasta Master Gardeners, and North Valley Art League, Shasta Chapter CNPS is not currently sponsoring in-person events.