New Year’s Day Westside Trail Field Trip

New Year's Day toast at the Top of the World" on the Westside Trail. Photo by Doug Mandel.
Hike participants make a New Year's Day 2020 toast at the "Top of the World" on the Westside Trail, Redding. Photo by Doug Mandel.

We had our annual New Year’s Day field trip on the Westside Trail again and found several woolly sunflower plants in bloom, but not much else. Almost all the manzanita shrubs burned in the Carr Fire, but manzanita seedlings are starting to come up as well as buckbrush and redbud seedlings. Toyon is thriving as is coffeeberry, and redbud is sprouting from the root crowns. Interior live oak and black oak are resprouting, too, but very few blue oaks are resprouting.

Working with Shasta Environmental Alliance, we planted several hundred blue oak acorns, three acorns per planting, on the way up and back. Fourteen participants helped plant the acorns on this 4- to 5-mile hike with a 600-foot elevation climb. Yo Sadohara supplied some great wine for a New Year’s toast at the top, and Lisa Ross provided some delicious cookies. All that was lacking was some hot coffee and rolls; perhaps next year! -David Ledger

planters in burned lanscape near Westside Trail, January 1, 2020. Photo by Doug Mandel.
Volunteers planting blue oak acorns (center of photo) in the Carr-Fire burned landscape surrounding Westside Trail, Redding, on our annual New Year’s Day 2020 hike. Photo by Doug Mandel.