President’s Message
March 2025

Golden currant. D. Burk.
Golden currant, Ribes aureum var. aureum, found blooming profusely in San Joaquin County on March 2, 2025.
Photo taken by Don Burk.

As we turn that sharp corner from a rainy winter into a green spring, there’s lots of activity in the plant world and in the Shasta Chapter.  We are in the middle of an online plant sale, which will end on March 27, and we will have our in-person native plant sale at Shasta College on April 12.  There is still some time to get those native plants in the ground and acclimated before the heat hits—but the sooner you plant, the better!  We also have another plant propagation session scheduled; it will be at the Shasta College greenhouses on Sunday, March 9.  We will be sending an email announcement to all Chapter members and everyone (including non-members) who has signed up to receive plant propagation notices.  If you’d like to be added to our plant propagation volunteers list, please email us at

We also have two field trips on tap.  On Saturday, March 8, David Ledger will lead a walk along the Bailey Cove Trail, which loops around a peninsula in Shasta Lake.  On Saturday, March 22, we will take a trip to the Sacramento River Bend Recreation Area, where we will explore the flora of the Turtle Creek watershed and adjacent areas on Hog Lake Plateau.  And if you can’t make the hike, you still have the opportunity to visually explore Turtle Creek at our March 20 Chapter meeting, where Greg Lockett will  wow us with a slide show featuring the highlights of his years of roaming the landscape with camera in hand.

Alicia Herrera's February presentation. D. Burk.
Alicia Herrera, ecologist with Point Blue Conservation Science, presented a fascinating talk on blue oak conservation methods in the face of drought and climate change.
Photo taken February 20, 2025, by Don Burk.

And on the businessy end of Chapter activities, we will be holding our biennial election of new officers this month.  An email notice with voting instruction will be sent out to members very soon. Our Nominating Committee has been working diligently to line up candidates for office, but has unfortunately not yet been able to find anyone willing to serve as our Treasurer.  But it’s not too late!  Let us know immediately if you would consider serving as our Chapter Treasurer! 

Hope to see you at one (or all!) of our events!  ~Don Burk, President