2025 liability waiver info:
California Native Plant Society requires all field trip participants to sign an annual waiver of liability. Once signed, you will be covered for all events in 2025. Thank you!
- Shasta Chapter CNPS’s 2025 waiver can be signed here: WaiverSign.
Please join us for the following field trips, co-hosted by Shasta Chapter CNPS and Shasta Environmental Alliance (SEA).
Bailey Cove Loop Trail
Saturday, March 8, 9 AM to noon
- This will be a beautiful and educational 3-mile walk around a small peninsula that juts out into Shasta Lake, with a great variety of plants and habitats. The trail runs through mixed conifer forest at one end, blends into a chaparral, and ends up in a canyon live oak woodland at the other end. We will discuss the different slopes and aspects of the trail and how they affect vegetation. We will also see ferns and discuss their various physical features, reproduction, and where they belong in the Tree of Life. This trail is easy for most hikers, but has a few rough spots. With the warmer weather, plants should be starting to bloom. Dogs on leash are okay if you clean up after them. Bring a hat, water, closed-toe shoes, and lunch or a snack. Heavy rain cancels; bring an umbrella for light rain. This walk is limited to 15 people, so you must reserve a spot. Please sign up using this form. The meeting location will be emailed to you once you sign up.
Iron Canyon Loop Trail
Saturday, March 22, 9 AM to 1 PM
- This field trip is a follow-up to our March 20 Chapter meeting presentation by Greg Lockett, Turtle Creek Flora, in which he shares his gorgeous photography of this beautiful area and its botanical denizens. Turtle Creek is mostly inaccessible to the casual hiker, but we can dip down into it off of Iron Canyon Loop Trail, via Scout Trail. Be prepared for up ~4 miles of hiking in very rocky and very possibly muddy conditions, with at least once creek crossing. Hiking poles will come in handy! Wear appropriate footwear, bring water and lunch or snacks, and wear a hat and sunscreen! Make sure you have signed the CNPS waiver for 2025 (see opening paragraph). For light rain, bring an umbrella; heavy rain cancels. Dogs on leash are okay if you clean up after them. Please RSVP to shastacnps@gmail.com to receive time and location details.
Waivers and sign-ups are required for all outings. For more information about the above field trips, please contact me at david@ecoshasta.org. ~David Ledger

Photo taken March 28, 2021, by Greg Lockett