Chapter Meeting:
October 17, 2024

Susannah and class in Guyana. S. Fulton.
Susannah Johnson Fulton (second from left) and Shasta College students having fun with the natural paint from the oily and colorful fruits of annatto, Bixa orellana, in one of their rainforest camps in Guyana, South America, July 2018. Photo courtesy of Susannah.

We are pleased to invite you to join us on Thursday, October 17, 2024, for a presentation by Shasta College professor, Dr. Susannah Johnson Fulton, entitled, Ethnobotany Basics with an Emphasis on Some Useful Native Plants. Susannah will discuss what the field of Ethnobotany is, why it is important, and how she became interested and involved in it. She will cover major plant-use categories, using mostly local native plants as examples. This should be a fun and interactive presentation with many samples to examine and pass around!

Susannah has been teaching Botany, Biology, and Natural History classes at Shasta College for the past 15 years. Her favorite classes to teach are General Botany, Plants and People, Natural History of the Redwood Coast, and all field courses. Since 2015, she’s been involved with taking students to remote biodiverse regions throughout the world where they learn about diverse cultures and assist with biodiversity surveys in rainforest, coral reef, and savanna ecosystems. Susannah is very interested in understanding the interactions and connections between all living things and their natural environments, and in re-connecting humans with nature.

Susannah & husband pressing plants in Senegal. S. Fulton.
Susannah Johnson Fulton and husband, Philip Fulton, preparing and pressing plant collections while conducting ethnobotanical research in Senegal, West Africa, December 2017. Photo courtesy of Susannah.

Do join us! That’s 5:30 or 6 PM on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Venue and time details are below. See you there! ~Shasta Chapter CNPS

The new meeting venue

With sincere gratitude to McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, we are delighted to announce that Shasta Chapter CNPS is now meeting in the brand new Turtle Bay Nursery Classroom, 1125 Arboretum Drive, Redding. There is lots of free, paved parking just steps away from the classroom building, and nice, curbed sidewalks. To get to the new venue, from South Market Street, turn east onto Arboretum Drive. Veer right at the first opportunity (so you don’t end up at Turtle Bay Elementary School!), and drive a short way to the “curvy” parking lot to the east of Arboretum Drive.

Map to classroom. Google Maps.
From South Market Street in Redding (upper left corner), follow the blue arrows to the parking area outside the gates of the new Turtle Bay Nursery Classroom, marked with a blue X (not yet built in this image!). Screenshot from Google Maps.

The Nursery Classroom is just inside a large wrought-iron double gate, which is just north of the entrance to the botanical gardens proper.

Classroom and gates. D. Burk.
The new Turtle Bay Nursery Classroom behind the McConnell Arboretum & Botanic Gardens Nursery gates at Turtle Bay Exploration Park, 1125 Arboretum Drive, Redding. Doors to the classroom are on the sides in the back. We will have bright yellow signs posted to help you find your way!
Photo taken August 30, 2024, by Don Burk.

The new meeting time

We will get the show on the road a little earlier than in the past. Please be ready to go no later than 6 PM for our short Chapter meeting and announcements, followed by our and speaker presentation. Or come as early as 5:30 PM to socialize and see what sort of pre-meeting activity or display we might have for you!