Photo taken by MaryAnn McCrary.
On the near horizon, the good news is that our Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale will return on October 4 and 5, after being on pause for a couple years. Having reliable help through the summer from our Shasta College intern, Nickey Watson, and a Chapter volunteer working with her made the difference this year.

With gratitude, our nursery began the fall semester by continuing with Nickey as our intern, and by accepting a generous offer from propagation team member Jana Peters to explore her eastern-foothills property for additional local species to offer in the nursery. August is prime time for seed collecting before rain and wind knock most seeds to the ground. We were in suspense regarding how the unusual storm on August 17 would affect our prospects. Fortunately, our venture was amply rewarded and our locally sourced seed is now increased by 18 species!

To join in the fun, members who have patches of natural habitat on their property can get in touch with Shasta Chapter’s Propagation Team (email shastacnps@gmail.com) to discuss donating a potential seed-collecting date to our nursery. Seed collections are always low quantity, but hopefully enough for trying a few different germination methods when necessary. ~MaryAnn McCrary

Photo taken August 27, 2024, by MaryAnn McCrary.