Chapter Meeting:
October 2023

Minnesota Mountain. L. Lindstrand III.
Minnesota Mountain summit, Shasta County. Photo taken April 29, 2021, by Len Lindstrand III.

For our October 19, 2023, Chapter meeting, Shasta Chapter CNPS is pleased to host Len Lindstrand III, Botany Program Manager for Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI), who will present his talk entitled, Sierra Pacific Industries’ Botany Program – Overview and Recent Significant Findings.  Len is a Redding native, long-time Shasta Chapter CNPS member, and has worked throughout our area as a natural resource professional for 30+ years.

Len Lindstrand III. J. Kierstead.
Len Lindstrand III, happily botanizing away in the field. Photo taken July 22, 2019, by Julie Kierstead.

Locally based Sierra Pacific Industries maintains a well-recognized botany program that supports management on nearly 1.9 million acres of California timberlands, which includes 230+ special-status plant species.  Come join us to learn about SPI’s Botany Program, special-status plants, unique habitats, and botanical resource management.  Len will provide an overview of many special-status plants on SPI lands and new findings of interest, including recently discovered endemic plant species. 

Woolly violet. L. Lindstrand III.
Woolly violet, Viola tomentosa, Placer County. Photo taken June 14, 2023, by Len Lindstrand III.

As SPI’s Botany Program Manager, Len leads a talented botany staff that covers SPI’s lands throughout California’s North Coast, Klamath and Cascade Ranges, Modoc Plateau, and Sierra Nevada.  Len also participates in SPI’s management team where he collaborates with other company managers and provides program-level guidance for SPI’s timberland management and contributes to SPI’s planning efforts by managing SPI’s 50-year Anadromous Salmonid Habitat Conservation Plan and Safe Harbor Agreement.  His various botanical contributions include co-authoring descriptions of four new plant taxa (another pending), authoring or co-authoring many other botanical publications, leading studies on numerous rare and endemic species, and providing hundreds of rare plant records and herbarium specimens. 

Meadow. L. Lindstrand III.
Serpentine meadow and fen upslope from Eagle Creek, Trinity County. Photo taken August 16, 2023, by Len Lindstrand III.

Come join us for what promises to be an especially interesting presentation! We will meet at 6:30 PM, at the Shasta College Health Science & University Programs building in downtown Redding, 1400 Market Street, Community Room 8220 (clock tower building at the north end of the Market Street Promenade; enter at the main entrance, on the northeast corner of the building). Like all Shasta Chapter meetings, this meeting is open to the public.

In addition, the Chapter will treat our speaker to dinner at Final Draft Brewing Company, Redding, before the meeting, at 5 PM. The membership is invited to join us there for a casual, no-host meal, and to meet and talk with Len pre meeting. Please contact should you have questions. See you there!
~Shasta Chapter CNPS

Pleasant Valley mariposa lily. L. Lindstrand III.
Pleasant Valley mariposa lily, Calochortus clavatus var. avius, El Dorado County.
Photo taken July 5, 2023 by Len Lindstrand III.